What's Happening at Beitostølen

It's a fact that Beitostølen always has something going on, no matter when you decide to visit. To spice up your experience, you can attend concerts, try local culinary delights at restaurants and bars, explore exhibitions, take courses, or engage in various activities, among other events that can enrich your vacation.


Additionally, we've selected a few major events happening in our gorgeous valley that we think you'll find interesting.


You can easily sort events by date, so browse through the calendar and find something that catches your eye.

Langrenn 11

Valdres Skiing Marathon

Valdres Skimaraton
22. Mar
Telemarkkurs April 2024

Telemark instructor course – Level 1

Beitostølen Aktiv & Skiskole AS
07. Apr - 11. Apr
Kostymerenn 2019 20 April (1)

Easter - fancy dress race

Beitostølen Aktiv & Skiskole
19. Apr

The Norwegian Mountain Marathon 2025

Øystre Slidre Idrettslag
07. Jun
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Mountain Camp - Outdoor School 10-13 YEARS OLD

Beitostølen Aktiv & Skiskole
30. Jun